What We Care about

What We CARE about

Belief #1: We stay involved

We deeply care about our customers, team mates, audience members, and our community. We always do our very best to make sure our people feel seen, appreciated, and heard. We’re the type of company that will send individual Christmas cards to our hundreds of customers, or donate a portion of our revenue to charity. We always ensure we’re doing the best that we can to leave lasting impressions and experiences with the impact we make.


Excellence: We are the type of company who likes to dot our i’s and cross our t’s. We take pride in the quality of our work and we ensure that everything we do is done with intention and with extreme care. We are thoughtful with our craft and we are meticulous in our approach. We believe in the saying, “We only have one chance to leave a good impression”, so, we always strive to make it a good one.


Teamwork: We believe that our company is only as strong as its weakest link. We support each other as best as we can and we never say “that’s not my job”. We are agile and we are willing to do what it takes to get the job done -- together. 


Initiative: We’re proactive and we take extreme ownership in the success of the business and team. We aren’t afraid to bring new suggestions to the table, and share new ideas that can drive the business and team forward. 


Coachability: We know that any feedback is good feedback because that is the only way we can grow. Collecting as much data as we can from each other and those around us allows us to make sound decisions in business. We don’t take our work personally and we know that there is always room to grow.


Fairness: We are a company that believes in doing the right thing and will always try to weigh both sides when making decisions. While we are willing to put up a fight when it means protecting what we believe is right, when dealing with ruthless or unethical opponents, we will never stoop into the trap of falling into his or her level. We are also willing to admit when we are wrong and will do our very best to make things right.

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